Tembo Academy

Why get certified with Tembo?

Our technical experts have crafted our courses so our Partners and Users can extract key practical information on our e-LVs to use this on the ground effectively.

Hands-on Learning

Learn and train looking at actual vehicles and EV conversion kits from the people who design, test and install them

Proper Usage

Using and maintaining our Light Electric Vehicles in the right way is crucial to avoid incidents. While our e-LVs are exceptionally reliable to drive, certain key rules must be respected at all times.

EV Tech

Get a concrete download of one of the most in-demand technologies worldwide.

Tembo EV Conversion – Certification #1

Overview of the process, foundation & fundamentals
2 days
Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • How does an Electric Vehicle (EV) work
  • Safety around a High Voltage vehicle
  • Understanding all EV components
  • Overall layout of components
  • Needed tooling

Tembo EV Conversion – Certification #2

Detailed Hands on Conversion installation process
5 days
Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • Learn which OEM parts need to be taken out
  • Learn which OEM parts need to be re-used
  • Learn which EV components require pre-assembly before install
  • Determine assembly order (HV components, LV components, Fluid hoses, Wire harness)

Tembo EV Conversion – Certification #3

How to test the conversion & troubleshoot
2 days
Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • Check HV connections
  • Test grounding
  • Testing Isolation resistance (meggering)
  • Starting-up 12V system via external power supply to limit current  (service case)
  • Starting-up high voltage system  (service case)

Tembo EV Conversion – Certification #4

Maintaining the EV over time
1 day
Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • List of checks per OEM timeline
  • List of checks for EV Kit

Change Management Course – Certification #1

Introduction to using EVs
1 day
Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • Vehicle layout and definitions
  • HMI layout and meaning
  • What to do in case vehicle is non-operational

Change Management Course – Certification #2

Maintenance of EVs
1 day
Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • Adequate workshop lift
  • Adequate HV tooling
  • Adequate HV safety material and use
  • Charging station and grid infrastructure minimum requirements

Contact Us

Contact Form Demo (#5)
Tembo electric light vehicles (EUV) are the premier 100% electric solution for ruggedised mining, industrial, and commercial applications. We offer safe, high performance off-road electric vehicles with exacting industrial standards. Our mission is to support our clients in their quest to decarbonise their sites in the most demanding outdoor environments.

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